My Garfunkel Library

Some Publishers I Like

These are my favourite publishers. I'll read practically anything on these lists because I trust the tastes of their commissioning editors. They're all indie labels deserving of your attention.

Fitzcarraldo Editions. Publisher of high quality literature (blue covers) and criticism (white covers). They're known for their characteristic uniform style — the covers, the continental flaps, the custom typeface — designed by Ray O'Meara. I enjoyed Brian Dillon's Essayism, Moyra Davey's Index Cards, several titles by Olga Tokarczuk, Pretentiousness by Dan Fox, and so many more. Scrumptious.

Strange Attractor. Books about deeply weird topics: folk history, the supernatural, weird music. Among other titles, I read their remarkable Bore Hole, which is about a man who willingly drilled a hole in his own head. That should give you some idea of what we're dealing with here.

CB Editions. This is the brainchild of poet and novellist Charles Boyle. He publishes his own work plus that of others who cut the mustard. I liked Boyles' The Other Jack and Lara Pawson's Spent Light very much indeed. They also happen to be beautifully designed little books.

Verso Books. Political tombstones. They're hard-going sometimes, often written by research-minded academics, but worth persisting with. They bring radicalism right into the heart of the establishment.

P&H Books. In its early days and publishing a bit of everything. "Unsung heroes" would be my way of describing it. John Dowie, Robert Wringham, Momus. Give them your money. Give them your time.

We Heard You Like Books. I'm not certain, but this seems to be the doing of author Jarett Kobek. His books on this label are great, as are the smutty works of William E Jones. I like that their submissions page says "Please don't send manuscripts. We've got enough problems."